The Best Washable Dog Bed

February 26, 2020 0 Comments A+ a-

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate links, which means we get a small commission at no cost to you, and helps us to keep buying new products to review so you don't have to.

So you're in a need for a new dog bed?

We've tried a bunch of dog beds from various different stores and websites, they were alright.

Most of them weren't washable though, and the washable versions were really expensive for us.

But, after searching through the web, we've finally found a good option, and we decided to buy it!

Guess what? it is absolutely PERFECT!

It wasn't expensive, and we got more than what we've paid for.
We got the biggest option, which is 90x70x15cm.

Our dogs absolutely love it and sleeps on it every single day.
Sometimes they'll love it so much they won't want to move!

Do we recommend it? absolutely yes!

So what are the bed key features?

  • Washable
  • Fits any washing machine
  • Detachable pillow
  • Breathable
  • Made out of 100% cotton
  • Very soft and high quality (Higher than expected!)
  • Perfect for small to large dogs: from a schnauzer puppy to a fully grown German Shepherd!
So if you've got a Husky, a German Shepherd, a Chihuahua or any other dog breed, this bed is for you.

Can't get your dog to calm down / Your dog has too much energy?
Check out this post on the best dog toys to keep them busy and drain their energy.

Click to view the bed

AliExpress? really??

We all know AliExpress and other similar websites offer a lot of cheap and low-quality products.

However, it is not always the case, and we decided to give this bed a try anyways.
Another good thing is that it has a worldwide FREE SHIPPING!

And just like we said, we got way more than we've expected, a really high-quality bed.

We've purchased it, got it really really quickly (Also wasn't expecting that), and tested it.

We are 100% confident to say, this bed is really well made and is 100% worth it.

Get Yours Now (Link)

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